Clinics We Offer

- Baby Clinic
- Travel Clinic
- Asthma and COPD Clinic
- Family Planning Clinic
- Stop Smoking Clinic
- Health Screening Clinic and Weight Management Clinics
- Diabetes Clinic
- Heart Disease Clinic
- MSK Specialist Clinic
- Social Prescriber Clinic
- Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination clinics
- Covid Vaccinations
- Shingles Vaccinations
- Measles Catchup Clinics

District Nurses
They can be contacted by telephoning the Single Point of Access on: 01274 256131. Working hours are 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday. At weekends, evenings and overnight and also on Bank holidays the number to call is: 01274 256131.
Services provided by the district nurses include assessing the health needs of the housebound including the provision of equipment to maximise independence, monitoring long-term health problems in housebound patients, care of the terminally ill patient and support for their family, wound care, hospital after-care and continence management.

Health Visitors
The Health Visiting Team run Drop-in clinics at the surgery for general advice and baby weighing. Health Visitors do checks on small children and are a valuable source of information and advice on pregnancy, childhood immunisations, antenatal classes, feeding problems, behavioural problems, toilet training, sleep problems and developmental problems.
They can be contacted on: 01274 206 702.
Clinics are held on Monday between 1:00pm to 3:00pm.

Midwife/Antenatal Care
The Surgery has an attached midwife when a pregnancy has been confirmed patients should book an appointment to see the midwife who will complete the necessary booking forms.
Patients are encouraged to do this as soon as they know they are pregnant, to ensure best antenatal care.